Learning & Resources
In order to stay ahead of the attackers, you need to be constantly learning.
Educational Resources
This is our current suggestion for the end-to-end prerequiste to becoming a smart contract developer and auditor.
Smart Contract Education
These are educational content to get you up to speed with solidity & smart contracts.
- Hardhat & Solidity full course
- CryptoZombies
- solidity-by-example
- Alchemy University
- Speedrun Ethereum
- LearnWeb3DAO
- Patrick Collins YouTube
Auditor Education
These are sites and resources that focus specifically on smart contract auditing.
- Symbolic Execution Breakdown
- Formal Verification Breakdown
- Fuzzing & Invariants
- Smart Contract Hacking Course
- 0xOwen
- Cyfrin YouTube
- Andy Li
- Secureum
Auditor Tools
These are auditor tools that you can use to help you audit smart contracts.
- Solodit<- (Use this once you start doing competitive audits!)
Static Analysis
Symbolic Execution / Formal Verification Tools
Note: At the moment, formal verification is sometimes seen as overkill, especially for competitive audits.